embodying prayer in daily life

come to rest,

enjoy a bowl of tea,

sit a while and be

moving into restfulness,

restfully moving

  • ”When you drink your tea in mindfulness and concentration, you are performing a sacred ritual; and that is already a prayer.… And in true prayer, there is no longer any separation between the one who prays and the one to whom we pray. In Christianity, our friends say, “living each moment in the presence of God.” If you live with mindfulness, concentration and insight, you never leave God; you are always in touch with God, in the presence of God. When you live every moment of your daily life in the presence of God, it means your daily life is a prayer.”

    — Thích Nhất Hạnh

  • “Prayer is not primarily saying words or thinking thoughts, it is rather, a stance, it is a way of Living in the Presence, Living in awareness of the Presence, and even enjoying the Presence.”

    — Richard Rohr

  • “In my soul there is a temple, a shrine, a mosque, a church where I kneel. Prayer should bring us to an altar where no walls or names exist. Is there not a region of love where the sovereignty is illumined nothingness, where ecstasy gets poured into itself and becomes lost? In my soul there is a temple, a shrine, a mosque, a church that dissolve, that dissolve in God.”

    — Rabia

  • ”The sun hears the fields talking about effort and the sun smiles, and whispers to me, ‘Why don’t the fields just rest, for I am willing to do everything to help them grow?’ Rest, my dears, in prayer.”

    — Catherine of Sienna


We offer various somatic experiences to help us touch upon the holy ground of being.

God’s ground is my ground and my ground is God’s ground.

Meister Eckhart

  • Points of Agreement from Contemplatives of Different Religious Traditions

    In 1980, a group of contemplatives across 8 religious traditions gathered together in the spirit of interfaith dialogue.

    Here are their 8 points of agreement:

  • 1. The world religions bear witness to the experience of Ultimate Reality, to which they give various names.

  • 2. Ultimate Reality cannot be limited by any name or concept.

  • 3. Ultimate Reality is the ground of infinite potentiality and actualization.

  • 4. Faith is the opening, accepting, and responding to Ultimate Reality. Faith in this sense precedes every belief system.

  • 5. The potential for human wholeness — or, in other frames of reference, enlightenment, salvation, transcendence, transformation, blessedness — is present in every human being.

  • 6. Ultimate Reality may be experienced not only through religious practices, but also through nature, art, human relationships, and service to others.

  • 7. As long as the human condition is experienced as separate from Ultimate Reality, it is subject to ignorance and illusion, weakness and suffering.

  • 8. Disciplined practice is essential to the spiritual life; yet spiritual attainment is not the result of one’s own efforts, but the result of the experience of oneness with Ultimate Reality.

  • Additional Points of Agreement

    9. It is essential to extend our formal practice of awareness into all aspects of our life.

    10. Humility, gratitude, and a sense of humor are indispensable in the spiritual life.

    11. Prayer is communion with Ultimate Reality, whether it is regarded as personal, impersonal, or beyond them both.

Our ministry (our service work) honors the mystical - contemplative path, which is the lifeblood flowing through the foundations of all religious traditions.

All are welcome here.

Follow our journey.